Windsurf Courses

Windsurf is a sail boat specialty which consists in moving on the water over a board mainly thanks to the propulsion of the wind to a sail.

We teach the VDWS method, an international assotiation that represents all over the world an aligned system of services around watersports – specially windsports.

In few hours you'll acquire basic elements and the balance necessary required to start enjoying this water sport. Courses feature three lessons and are aimed at making the participants able to move at different paces then go back to the starting point, as well as at providing the basics to get the necessary equipment ready.

Windsurf can give great satisfaction. Over time you can become able to try the different types of windsurf, depending on the kind of feelings you're looking for. 'Slalom', 'freestyle' and 'wave' are the main variations of this discipline. Strongest feelings are certainly related to the speed gliding and to the first jumps with or without waves.

Our courses are addressed to kids of minimum age 5, adults and disabled people. Courses will be performed in shallow waters, surrounded by a wonderful landscape, and complete safety will be granted by our coaches' constant presence.

3 Responses

  1. Il corso è stato molto interessante, divertente e grazie alla professionalità ed esperienza di Antonio abbiamo conosciuto un nuovo sport che vorremmo approfondire la prossima estate a Orosei.

  2. hello!
    we are going to sardinia in july, and we want to surf (windsurf) a little bit. we are beginners and we want to rent boards. and maybe we want to book a refreshing course. we are 2 adults and two children (13 and 9). can you please tell me some possibilitis we have? do you have refreshing lessons? and do you rent boards without booking a course? can you please send me a pricelist?

    thank you very much

    • Hey Anna, yes sure you can. Contact us at 00393406642463 for more details. Also use WhatsApp! See you soon! Antonio

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